After becoming a Christian in 1981, I immediately began to attend Sunday School. [Garden Path: It was a Single Adults Sunday School and was, in fact, where I got to know this wonderful man to whom I have now been married for almost 29 years.]
School is defined in Merriam-Webster as an organization that provides instruction. So, in Sunday School we were instructed on God’s Word. And, from time to time there were activities for the members of our Sunday School class.
For many years, I continued to attend Sunday School until one day the term “Sunday School” was replaced with “Small Group”. The core concept was the same; that is, to learn more about God and His plans for us. And, from time to time there were activities for the members of our “Small Group”.
“Small Group” evolved into “Care Group” – a more appropriate name that captured the fact that we all cared about one another while learning more about God and how He wants us to live our life. We truly cared about one another through pray, laughter, and tears. And, our “Care Group” sponsored events and activities.
Not too long ago, “Care Group” was replaced with “Life Group”. At first I thought great, another change - why? After all, we are the same group of people worshiping God and caring about one another – exactly what was described by the “Care” in “Care Group”.
But then, upon deeper reflection and a discussion with a very special person, it dawned on me that “Life Group” better describes the purpose for the group's existence.
“Life Group” is not just for getting together once a week, wondering what the snack will be or to share prayer requests. It is not just to learn more about God and how to better apply His word in our lives. The “Life” in “Life Group” hits the nail on the head – we are a part of one another’s life! It is not a Saturday Night or Sunday Morning only relationship.
The relationship the 15 +/- of us have is strong. We have a safe environment where we can freely share what is really going on in our life and know that confidentiality is maintained. Through tough times (and we all have them) my “Life Group” has been there to encourage, support and hold me accountable and I for them. We get together as a group for game night, WII Bowling or football parties. We have fun! We enjoy one another! We are a part of each other’s LIFE! I will be so bold as to say we love one another.
Several months ago during a “Life Group” get together, a member’s daughter (who is an RN) took all of our blood pressure. I was surprised by a high read. I have never had high blood pressure. Therefore, I attributed it to excitement over the football game, anxiety in having my blood pressure taken, etc. Several weeks later she took it again and once again it was high. That got my attention! Discussing ways to reduce my blood pressure included a discussion on weight and exercise; the excess of one and lack of another – I will let you guess which is which!
I made a commitment to myself that day that things would change. And, unlike anything I would have done in the past, I shared during “Life Group” that I needed to lose weight and begin to exercise. It is not unusual for me to get a text message from someone asking how I am doing that week. My “Life Group” is a part of my spiritual and my physical life, demonstrated by their actions and words. Life would be tough without a “Life Group”.
How about you? Do you have a “Life Group”? Believers who love you no matter what? Pray, laugh and cry with you? Hold you accountable and are there for you? I sure hope so as life can sure be tough without one.
Heb 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Wow girl - could not have said it better. I thank God for our Life Group!
ReplyDeleteYou said it, we all do need people to share our lives with, to encourage us and to be encouraged BY us. To know we have people we can trust to love us in spite of the times we consider ourselves "unlovable" is the main reason we seek out relationships and even though we as humans so often fail each other, God does not fail. Uniting with a group of Christian brothers & sisters in prayer & fellowship and remaining committed throughout years is such a blessed and wonderful thing. I feel sadness for those who have no one to go to in trust and have pray for them, especially if they do not know Jesus and His love.
ReplyDeleteWe recently moved and still do not have a core group of people to fellowship with or share. While God has been opening up opportunities at work to witness, I still really am missing the personal connection, similiar to the 'life group' you described. Although I do not have a group I routinely meet with, I have been convicted alot this week thinking about my family and viewing them as my 'life group'.
ReplyDeleteI can see all throughout my childhood how my brothers were my 'life group'. Although they probably don't realize how their lives served as an example for me in my younger years, their faith, trust, and perseverance was inspiring and encouraged me to continue the pursuit of a relationship with Christ. Now that we are grown, married, and have families of our own (minus the little brother), our familial ties deepen as we call upon eachother to offer prayer, spiritual encouragement, and a listening ear. My 'life group' really did save my life by teaching and showing me the true meaning of a relationship with God and proved blood relation goes beyond sharing simliar DNA; our blood relation stems from the cross. Praise be to the Lord.
I do not have a Life Group. I don't have a Bible Study or anything at this time. My husband is not a believer. Every Sunday I pick up my kids and take them to my very conservative and small church where I learn so much about God and the life I want to live. I hope that I can keep growing and learning and one day have a Life Group but for now, I thank God that he has given me your "Bible Study for Women on the Go" as I call it.