Routine: A sequence of actions regularly followed.
I have a routine every workday morning when I am not traveling. . . when I first wake up, I say a quick prayer - which includes help everything I say and do be reflective of You. When I get up, usually around 5:30 a.m., I have a cup (or two) of coffee and read the scripture and its application in Our Daily Bread and more recently the Dare to Be devotional written by Natalie Grant and Charlotte Gambill. My workday begins around 6:15 a.m. with Christian music playing. I have found the words I read and the words I hear in the songs put me in the right frame of mind and prepare me for the day. (I do wish the "right frame of mind" lasted longer some days!)
An interesting thing happened on Valentine's Day - the scripture for Our Daily Bread was Genesis 29:16-30 and titled Second Best. It told the story of Leah and how she knew her husband did not want her. It went on to tell the story of the names she gave her sons and what they meant. The first three sons had names that indicated the lack of love she felt from her husband. Her fourth son was named Judah, meaning praise. And although she was unloved by her husband, she realized she was greatly loved by God.
When I opened Dare to Be, the title was Dare to Be Beautiful. And it was once again the story of Leah. Leah is described as going from a place of rejection to a place of rejoicing - opening her heart and letting God love her.
Wow - two different devotionals both on the same topic. What was God trying to tell me?
It was simple - God loves me! When I open my life to God, He will reveal the beauty that is inside. God wants to be my constant companion. He loves me for whom I am, flaws and all. While people let you down, God never does. I am so thankful for a loving and forgiving God.
Have a blessed week!
Very nice!